83rd Year | 2021-22 | Integrated Annual Report
Growing concerns over environment sustainability and stringent regulations on CO2e* emissions are reshaping the ways industries operate. At Tata Chemicals, we are increasingly evaluating every aspect of our business, building long-term charters and implementing green and sustainable solutions to these challenges and bringing greater resilience to our business.
* e = Equivalent
Reducing carbon emissions by 30% from fuel change, renewable energy and carbon capture
Becoming water neutral, achieving zero waste to landfill and complete elimination of plastic use by adopting better waste management practices
Preserving natural capital and conservation and restoration of biodiversity
Become climate change resilient in our operations
With climate change becoming intense and a major global challenge, we have undertaken an approach to balance the growth strategies and business expansion with the impact on planet and society. We are continuously seeking ways to reduce our operational footprint and emissions. We are progressively finding ways to improve energy efficiency, use more renewable energy and reduce carbon intensity.
Our Board/its Committees and Senior Leadership undertake active involvement in all decisions related to sustainability strategies. Sustainability and climate change initiatives are continually reviewed and monitored by Safety Health Environment & Sustainability Committee of the Board. The Board also guides and supports the management.
In Indian operations, the Mithapur unit started using biomass as feedstock which will help reduce conventional energy consumption. Rallis initiated implementation of carbon abatement action plans. Rallis also switched to green energy, utilising 100% solar power at one of its plants. It further achieved 2% improvement in energy efficiency to reduce CO2 footprint across all units. The Innovation Centre successfully commissioned a 100 kW Rooftop Solar Project which will reduce the electricity from grid by 25%.
The US operations commissioned the Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) system, resulting in SO2 emissions being below the new Wyoming State requirements. However, owing to operational difficulties in the system, a new DSI mill was installed for the anticipated change in coal mix from Kemmerer in December 2022.
In FY 2021-22, the UK operations successfully operationalised the Carbon Capture Utilisation scheme. It captures food and pharmaceutical grade CO2 for consumption in the Sodium Bicarbonate plant. The Indian operations, installed quadruple effect evaporator at the Mithapur plant, resulting in 150 equivalent Kilo Tonnes of carbon savings.
We also ensured responsible waste management practices involving 100% recycling of plastic waste, fly ash and safe disposal of waste across locations.
All our plants across all global locations continue to adopt measures to reduce fresh water consumption. The Indian operations has an installed water harvesting capacity of 441 Million Cubic Feet (MCFT) which ensures lower fresh water withdrawal. The US operations installed flow meters to better track water consumption measures and take appropriate actions. The UK operations also has installed water harvesting system as well as large state-of-the-art recycle and reuse system.
For detailed information on sustainability performance, please refer to our website at https://sustainability.tatachemicals.com