
Recognising the impact of our actions on the environment, we, are investing in the development of chemistries designed to strike a balance between creating financial value and environmental sustainability. Our environmental commitments as defined in the Tata Group's vision (Project Aalingana), encompass the vital areas of Climate, Resources (Energy, Water and Material), Waste Management and the preservation of Nature and Biodiversity.


GHG Emissions, NOx and SOx


  • Reduce carbon emission to achieve neutrality by 2045
  • NOx, SOx and SPM well below regulatory limits

Key Projects

  • Increasing use of biomass for heating
  • Increasing mix of renewable power
  • Energy efficiencies across all manufacturing facilities
  • Entering offtake agreements for Sustainable Fuels like Hydrogen


Water, Solid Waste, Renewable Energy


  • Become water positive by 2030 and zero waste to landfill by 2030 in India
  • Double the share of renewable power by 2025

Key Projects

  • 100% fly ash consumption
  • Recycling solid waste > 3 lakh MT
  • Green chemistries, fermentation technologies
  • EPR Compliant
  • lloT applications for process efficiencies and high productivity
  • Increase in renewable power consumption by 2284 GJ (10% increase)


Plantation, Species, Resource Conservation


  • Zero Harm
  • Net zero impact on biodiversity
  • Coastal and marine ecosystem restoration

Key Projects

  • Reduce negative impact on biodiversity
  • Conserving life below water; saved > 900 sharks
  • Coral reef restoration
  • Mangrove and tree plantations

Progressively Reducing Our Carbon Footprint.

We are fully cognisant of the risks of climate change, which has emerged as a major concern for businesses worldwide. We acknowledge the pressing need for decarbonisation and remain committed to reducing our carbon footprint. We continue to implement several initiatives to achieve this goal.

Progress on Sustainability Performance

Energy efficiencies

We have implemented various energy efficiency measures across our operations.

  • In 2023, we completed a comprehensive energy audit and identified several areas for energy efficiency improvement. These include upgradation of our equipment, optimisation of our manufacturing processes and improvement in insulation
  • We are also constantly evaluating new technologies, such as electric calcination, to further optimise energy utilisation

Reducing Carbon Emissions with Design Innovation

Innovation in design and technology for our bicarb flash dryer has led to the reduction of specific consumption of steam by 0.24 T/T.

Making process improvements to reduce carbon emissions

As a part of our efforts to reduce carbon emissions at the salt plant in Mithapur, we initiated several process improvements:

  • Effective use of steam in two quadruple effect evaporators and plugging the steam leakages resulted in reduction of approximately 15 MT of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions per year
  • Conversion of double effect evaporator to triple/quadruple effect will help in increasing throughput and improving specific steam (energy) consumption, which will eventually lead to reduction of approximately 19 MT of CO2e emissions per year

By embracing sustainable practices and leveraging technology-driven solutions, we are mitigating environmental impact as well as enhancing our operational resilience and cost-effectiveness.

Driving Energy Savings in New Boiler

The installation of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) in our new boiler at Mithapur during FY 2023-24 marked a significant step towards enhancing energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprint. It has led to energy savings and environmental benefits



Estimated carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions reduction per year

Surging ahead in our carbon capture journey

Our UK unit is leading the way for driving the Carbon Capture journey at Tata Chemicals. It is the first and largest industrial scale carbon capture and utilisation plant, which got commissioned in June 2022 and is fully operational. It is capable of capturing 40,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year - the equivalent of taking 20,000 cars off the roads. We are adding 140 KT capacities of Sodium Bicarbonate which is carbon negative.

Investing in Renewable Energy

We remain committed to increasing the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and hybrid power, in our operations.

  • Use of direct solar energy for evaporation in our salt works leads to the production of ~3 Mn MT of raw salt and other marine chemicals. This helps prevent burning of 18 Mn tonnes of coal, enabling avoidance of ~33 Mn MT of CO2 emissions each year
  • Installation of solar panels of 2 MW capacity in Mithapur are nearing completion

Shifting to Electric Calciner

  • At Kenya, we use heavy furnace oil as fuel for calcination having high carbon emissions. We are piloting Electric Calciner technology that will reduce the carbon footprint of the product and also improve the whiteness index from 87 to 94.

Transitioning to Low Emission Fuels

Low emission fuels are critical to the accomplishment of our decarbonisation goals. We have taken several initiatives to steer this transition across our operations.

  • Signed an offtake agreement with Vertex Hydrogen, UK for the supply of over 200 MW of low carbon hydrogen
  • In India, we successfully conducted trials for the use of biomass in our current boilers during FY 2023-24. We plan to scale-up biomass procurement in FY 2024-25 to replace ~10% of coal usage. We are actively working on establishing a dependable supply chain including energy crop plantation to ensure consistent access to biomass

Enriching Biodiversity at Mithapur

Mithapur in Gujarat shelters a fascinating diversity of flora and fauna, some of which are either vulnerable, threatened or endangered. The coral reef here sustains 28 species of hard corals and a rich association of marine life. The number of bird species recorded here have been on a steady rise, crossing the 150 mark. Nilgai, Sambar, Jackal, Stripped Hyena, Pangolin, Desert Cat are amongst the wild fauna species found here. To further enrich this captivating biodiversity and to strengthen the existing ecosystems, Tata Chemicals has embarked on a Biodiversity Enrichment Programme at Mithapur.

  • Over half-a-mile long embankment has been constructed along the seawater intake creek for the development of a plantation. Waste generated from soda ash process has been used for the construction of embankment. As many as 30 flora species native to Saurashtra region have been propagated here
  • An exclusive plantation of Piloo (Salvadora Persica), a much-favoured tree for nesting by native waterbirds, has been developed with an aim to encourage these birds to start nesting here
  • The endangered Guggul plant (Commiphora Weighty) and other local plants of medicinal value have also been propagated
  • The site is poised to add recreational and environmental education value for our employees and family members, who have been volunteering for its development and upkeep activities

Promoting Circular Economy through Waste Recycling

In line with our 3R (reuse, recycle and reduce) circular economy focus, we have shifted to co-processing of hazardous waste, instead of landfilling, at our Cuddalore unit since April 2023.


359 MT

Waste diverted from landfilling towards co-processing in FY 2023-24


Towards achieving target of zero waste to landfilling

Nurturing Mangrove Ecosystem to Enhance Biodiversity

As a part of our mangrove ecosystem restoration project, we planted a total of 1,80,000 mangroves in FY 2023-24. These included 1,00,000 mangroves in Sundarbans (West Bengal), 30,000 in Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu) and 50,000 in Pulicat Lake (Andhra Pradesh).The project, undertaken through the Tata Chemicals Society for Rural Development (TCSRD), is delivering multiple benefits in the target areas. Besides providing habitats for a wide range of species, the mangrove plantations are a rich source of food, medicines and forestry products. They are also indirectly supporting economic activity, through nutrient recycling, water purification and flood control.