ESG Action Report

This section provides you with a comprehensive overview of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments, actions and outcomes. In addition to this section, you will find a detailed ESG disclosure in the BRSR section. Sustainability and ESG linkages are appended across other IR sections of this report.

At Tata Chemicals, we are continuously scaling our efforts towards integrating ESG factors into our business. This includes managing risks, driving innovation, improving stakeholder relationships, complying with regulations and ensuring long-term sustainability. Materiality remains the core of our sustainability framework. We identify and prioritise ESG issues material to our business and ecosystem through structured engagement with our stakeholder network, comprising the community, employees, investors, regulators, customers, value chain partners, rating agencies among others. Our commitment to Responsible Care provides a path to enable continuous improvement in safe chemicals management and excellence in environmental, health, safety and security performance.

Environmental Stewardship

Our environment vision and commitments are aligned with Project Aalingana - Tata Group’s flagship programme designed to fulfil the vision of a greener, cleaner, more sustainable and equitable future for the planet. Aalingana commits us to embedding sustainability into our business strategy by focussing on three inter-connected pillars: decarbonisation, circular economy, conserving nature and biodiversity. You will find an overview of our actions across these pillars in this section.

Social Responsibility

The Tata Group was formed more than 150 years and since then it has served as the custodian of public good, dedicated to making a positive social impact. At Tata Chemicals, we imbibe the same dedication, keeping the community, employees and other stakeholders at the heart of everything that we do. Our CSR programmes aim to be relevant to local and national contexts, keeping disadvantaged sections of the society as the focus. They are implemented in partnership with governments, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders. Our key people processes are designed to nurture employee engagement by providing a safe and healthy work environment, building capabilities for a future-ready workforce, driving excellence and improving diversity and inclusion.

Governance and Ethics

As a responsible corporate citizen, Tata Chemicals continues to adopt the best practices and the highest standards of corporate governance through transparency, ethical business practices and accountability to customers, government, community and other stakeholders. The Company has adopted the Tata Code of Conduct for its Executive and non-Executive Directors, including Independent Directors, employees and channel partners. Our governance framework aligns the interests of all our stakeholders and forms the basis of our corporate strategy, environmental awareness, ethical behaviour and risk management.

Governance oversight: Board, Safety, Health, Environment & Sustainability Committee