Social | People

Material theme

Material matters

Human capital development issues, including training of employees/delivery partners, inter-departmental learning, job up-skilling

Strategic response

  • Conducting training programmes for skill building, health, safety and wellness

Impact on SDGs

Communication issues, gender equality, disability discrimination, conflicting beliefs and generational differences

Linkage to risks

Talent, recession

  • Diverse hiring, flexible working and equal pay
  • Initiatives to improve people policies on the basis of their feedback
  • Regular surveys to understand people concerns and evaluate their satisfaction levels
  • Board members connect with employees to understand their concerns

Capitals impacted

Given the fast-paced changes continuously taking place in the business landscape, a future-ready workplace, which can thrive amid the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow, is essential to ensure sustainable growth. Keeping pace with technological advancements, supply chain disruptions, shifting demographics and dynamic economic forces requires an exceptional focus on building on human capital, a key propeller of long-term growth. Structure, climate and capabilities are the three pillars on which we are strategically focussed to make our organisation future-ready.

Governance oversight: Board, Safety, Health, Environment & Sustainability Committee, Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Creating an Empowering Work

Our efforts to create an empowering work environment for our people are driven by organisational design and automation

  • To support this, we are in the process of extending the cloud-based HRMS system, “myWOW” (My World of Work), implemented in India to our global subsidiaries. The first phase of this implementation has started this year. This will ensure a single source of truth for employee data, enhance employee experience, easier management of global teams and ability to derive better people insights
  • We are directionally moving towards a functional organisation for better customer engagement, functional excellence and higher productivity

Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is rooted in the ethos of the Tata brand – a testament to our values, culture and reputation as an employer of choice. We remain committed to continuously strengthening this proposition by:

  • Providing our people with career advancement, exciting work avenues and wide cross-functional exposure, using “Springboard” Talent Management Framework and “SHINE+” framework for internal movements
  • Ensuring the holistic wellbeing of our employees and their families under our “We Care” framework and partnerships with specialised agencies offering Employee Assistance Programme in India, Magadi and UK
  • Delivering on our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) agenda to create an inclusive and diverse workforce, as articulated in strategy framework. This year again, 50% of the graduate engineer batch were women
  • Enabling our people to become future-ready by providing them access to cutting-edge technology and resources through investments in world-class infrastructure
  • Monitoring engagement levels through formal and informal mechanisms and delivering on the action plans created from the feedback helps to continuously improve the employee experience
  • Promoting a culture of rewards and recognition through structured programmes and platforms in India and UK for peer-to-peer recognition, gamification and easy redemption
  • Enhancing the new hire experience through our structured onboarding programmes, like “Aarambh” for campus hires and “Incept” for lateral hires. It helps make a smooth transition into the organisation and their roles

  • We remain committed to continuous skill enhancement of our workforce through:
    • Our "Transcend" programme, focussing on advanced abilities such as generative AI, machine learning, IIoT, data analytics and more
    • Our “en-rich” learning platforms, such as Tata Tomorrow University and LinkedIn Learning, empowering our workforce with continuous learning opportunities
    • Functional and technical capability building in manufacturing, FinX (global programme for Finance team), Supply Chain among others
  • We prioritise the key talent within our organisation, by identifying the key leadership roles and high potential employees using our “Springboard” Talent Management Framework. Our leadership development programmes include:
    • Programmes facilitated by TMTC (Tata Management Training Centre) in India and specialised partners in other geographies
    • Tailored interventions for women under the “Breakthrough Series”
    • Capability enhancement for people managers under 'INVEST' (Increase Value, Enhance Skills for Tomorrow), coaching skills under ‘Coach Pro’ and ‘Coach and Nurture’ and behavioural interviewing skills
  • We are augmenting our capabilities through hiring from the external marketplace, and using our partner ecosystem for niche skills like Generative AI, data sciences, bio-fermentation, encapsulation, silica value streams, synthetic biology, polymer sciences (bioplastics), next generation energy, etc

C A S E   S T U D Y

‘TRANSCEND’ing the Digital and Data Journey

To create digital and data champions in the organisation for leading the various automation and digital transformation projects for their functions, we launched a unique programme called ‘Transcend’ during the year. The project was aimed at making our teams future-ready by enhancing their skills in the areas of digital, data and leadership and taking live projects.

Key features

  • The 8-week hybrid programme covered technical and digital leadership concepts
  • It encompassed self-paced learning and digital leadership assessment, followed by an individual report, virtual live sessions and in-person sessions
  • Topics covered in depth Clearing the Digital BLUR, Design Thinking, Agile Implementation, Leading Change and Transformation, Data Visualisation and Data-Based Decision-Making
  • It also covered introduction to concepts such as AI, ML, VR, Blockchain, AR, PAAS, IOT, RPA among others
  • Simulation methodology was used to bring concepts to life, making learning effective and enjoyable
  • Digital, HR and functional heads collaborated closely to make the programme a success


  • The programme was attended by a cross-functional team of 50 employees from Manufacturing, Sales, Supply Chain, Finance, HR and CSR functions
  • Each champion was assigned a project, carrying 10% weight in the goals for the year


  • The programme received high ratings and NPS equivalent scores from the participants
  • Some of the projects taken up were Robotics Process Improvement in Good Receipt Process, Development of KPIs and Dashboards, Automation of the Export Sales Process, E-logbooks, Exploring Digital twins for Spray Dryer, Video Analytics for Cement Packaging among others


of Graduate Engineers hired from campus were women


women attended the Breakthrough Series

Breakthrough Series New Wave for Women at the Shopfloor

A specially-curated programme in collaboration with the DEI team of the Tata Group and TMTC was created for women employees at our manufacturing locations in India. More than 50 women employees were covered. The programme has two 2 modules – Swabhav and Prabhav.

  • Swabhav is aimed at designing own career path through self-discovery and aspiring for more. It also creates space for reflection and expectation from their careers and life
  • Prabhav helps to quantify goals and the key relationships they need to manage to achieve these goals. It also underlines the importance of dialoguing and how important it is to manage key relationships in all aspects of life

FinX, an Immersive Capability Building Journey as Part of NeXelence

This programme is designed for the global finance team covering more than 150 employees across all our subsidiaries. This nine-month transformative finance competency development programme, curated in collaboration with TMTC aims to build expertise in the function, a global work culture and inclusive leadership. With cultural assimilation, continuous learning, team building activities, deep dive into inclusion, mentoring and outside-in perspective, the FinX programme has something for everyone across the globe.

Culture of Winning and Celebrating

Rallis India won Kincentric Best Employers Award 2023

On-roll Employees and Gender Diversity

Diversity and inclusion

FY 2023-24 Key Performance Indicators


Employees in R&D (Intellectual Capital) ()(FY 2022-23: 239)


Training days per employee () (FY 2022-23: 2.2)


Voluntary attrition () (FY 2022-23: 12%)


Employees trained under Leadership/ Managerial Programmes () (FY 2022-23: 26%)

₹0.35 crore

Manpower productivity = PBT*/total employees (FY 2022-23: ₹ 0.59 crore)

Social | Health and Safety

Material theme

Material matters

Safe work environment, emergency preparedness, digitised reporting

Strategic response

Ensuring containment of safety hazards (behaviour, workplace, process and product), promoting well-being and taking prompt corrective actions to prevent recurrence of any safety-related incidents

Capitals impacted

Governance oversight: Safety, Health, Environment & Sustainability Committee

Impact on SDGs

We valued health and safety as the cornerstones of our responsible growth proposition. We remain committed to nurturing workplace safety as an imperative for sustainable business development. Led by our Zero Harm aspiration, we are focussed on fostering a culture of safety across the organisation. We endeavour to ensure the highest levels of safety and well-being for our workforce.

Our guiding principles

Alignment with the Tata Code of Conduct

We uphold high ethical and safety standards, ensuring employee well-being and Company success

Integrated SHE Policy

A comprehensive framework guides our actions related to safety, health and environment across all locations.

Aspiring for "Zero Harm"

Safety is embedded in our values, with continuous improvement efforts and world-class HSE practices.

Tata Chemicals’ “Lifesaving golden rules and safety principle”

Our two safety principles and ten Golden Rules driving our aspiration for Zero Harm

Robust EHS Management System

We have in place a robust and comprehensive Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Management System, aligned with the standards of ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. The system drives the safety and well-being of our employees and contractors. It is embedded with an unwavering commitment for continual improvement in the EHS framework. It is designed to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, while fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.

We have identified safety as an integral part of our value system and leadership commitment as a central facet of our safety management system.

  • We have a dedicated SHES Committee (Safety, Health, Environment and Sustainability Committee) of the Board, which meets every quarter and gives strategic direction towards safety with a periodic review to ensure its implementation on ground
  • Our Global Management Review Committee meets every month to stay updated on the organisation’s HSE progress
  • There are Apex Safety Committees at site levels, each headed by its respective site in-charge and Office Safety committees headed by seniors at other places. The key responsibility of these committees include reviewing the health and safety aspects to ensure proper implementation of various safety policies and guidelines

Though we are continuously striving to improve safety in working conditions, we suffered one unfortunate fatal incident related to road/vehicle safety in FY 2023-24. We are committed to preventing the recurrence of such incidents and are focussed on taking strong corrective and preventive actions around road/ vehicle safety.

*Includes all subsidiaries

Focus on Occupational Health Services

We believe our occupational health services play a crucial role in identifying and mitigating workplace hazards and risks. We recognise employee health as a pivot of our responsibility ethos and take proactive measures to safeguard it.

  • We have regular health check-ups and monitoring programmes to help identify early signs of work-related illnesses or potential health issues
  • Periodic Industrial Hygiene assessments are conducted to measure the exposure of the workers to various physical, chemical and biological hazards
  • Thorough investigation is undertaken of all workplace accidents and incidents, to identify underlying causes and potential hazards that need to be addressed

We prioritise the quality and accessibility of our occupational health services by ensuring that the services are delivered by qualified healthcare professionals, possessing the relevant certifications and expertise in occupational health. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of all employee health information. Access to employee health information is restricted to authorised personnel with a legitimate need-to-know basis

Key Actions to Reinforce Our Health and Safety Framework in FY 2023-24


Progressive Safety Index (PSI)

  • Comprehensive framework to track key safety performance areas
  • Utilisation of leading indicators in various categories, including Leadership Engagement, Workplace Safety Sustenance, Employee Engagement and Safety Competency, Behaviour Safety, Safety Review

Focus on Employee Engagement

  • Skill development training, focussing on safety, behaviour and competency
  • Conduct safety initiatives by teams with members from different departments
  • Benchmarking the Safety KPIs
  • Joint management-workmen committees at sites to focus on OHS areas, with active participation of senior management and workers
  • Safety Felt Leadership Programme for employees and business partners
  • Process Safety and Risk Management (PSRM) at Indian manufacturing sites

Safety Management System, Asset Integrity, Risk Assessment, Audit and Inspection

  • Long-term asset management plan and structural safety in place
  • Internal / external audits, inspections, surprise checks and engagement with experts to identify improvement areas to ensure effective implementation of safety systems
  • Gap analysis and implementation of new safety processes and checklists through internal benchmarking, in line with the Tata Health & Safety Management System and ISO 45001

Digitisation and Data Analytics

  • New safety analytics portal for global operations
  • Additional modules in MDO (Safety Portal)
  • Additional modules in MDO Fuse


  • 100% Manufacturing sites implementing PSI
  • 75% Target achieved for the enterprise
  • 7 Skill sets covered under Trade Validation Programme
  • 1.44 Man-days per employee safety training
  • 13 Safety Green Area projects
  • 9.96 Near-misses reported per employee
  • 96 Companies benchmarked for 11 KPIs
  • 17 Felt Leadership workshop and 415 participants under Felt Leadership program
  • 7 Sites adopting PSRM
  • 89% Closure of external audit action points
  • 68% Completion of risk mitigation plan
  • 7 Indian sites having ISO 45001 certification
  • 76% KPI alignment in internal benchmarking across Indian entities
  • 86% Active employees in MDO Portal

Social | Corporate Social Responsibility

Material theme

Material matters

Maintaining positive community relations in areas where the Company’s operations have an impact on living conditions

Strategic response

Focus on empowering communities and improving socio-economic status by creating livelihood opportunities, promoting health, well-being and education in a sustainable manner

Capitals impacted

Impact on SDGs

As a responsible corporate, we have prioritised community development as a key focus area for driving inclusive and sustainable growth. In line with the Tata Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy, we follow a comprehensive programme framework that is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Governance oversight: Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Supporting Farmers’ Growth and Empowering Rural Artisans

Our efforts to build and boost economic capital are powered by our initiatives towards promoting the livelihood of farmers and artisans in rural communities.

Farmers’ development and growth is a key CSR outreach area for us, at Tata Chemicals. During the year -

  • We further enhanced our efforts to empower farmers through initiatives like Capacity-building trainings, Field demonstrations, Support on livestock management, Supply of seeds, Organic farming among others to boost farm productivity and ensure sustainable income
  • C-SAFE also continued to strengthen the farmers’ value proposition especially for small and marginal farmers as well as FPOs by engaging in experimentation, piloting and establishing scientific agricultural practices
  • We continued with our targeted initiatives to support and empower artisans in the rural areas. We empowered 32,601 rural artisans, of whom 75.11% were women, by connecting them to pan-India customers through the Okhai marketplace
Impact Created during FY 2023-24


Farmers benefited


Cattle covered under livestock management programmes


Artisans impacted positively

₹12.2 crore

Sales of traditional handicrafts

Conserving Biodiversity

We remain committed to conserving biodiversity and water as part of our focus on nurturing the environment and preserving it for future generations.

For the past two decades, we have been making extensive investments in biodiversity conservation programmes and through our programme C-SCAPES, which include:

  • Coral reef restoration
  • Whale shark conservation
  • Mangroves and indigenous flora and fauna conservation
  • Environmental education initiatives at Mithapur
  • We undertook a mega tree plantation drive - “Greening Hour” during the year. As part of the drive, trees were planted in Okhamandal area and our other manufacturing and office locations. The campaign was carried out with active participation from community members, employee volunteers and other stakeholders
  • Under land development programmes and intensified flagship programme “Jal Dhan” (water management and conservation) we worked on groundwater recharging, water harvesting by constructing check dams, revival of community ponds and promotion of drip irrigation
  • Constructed a 3.3-km-long water channel in partnership with the Gujarat State Irrigation Department. This helped address the water logging issues faced by around 350 farmers every year during and after monsoon. The channel has helped the farm areas become primed for year-round cultivation and has also boosted the farmers’ income
Impact Created during FY 2023-24


People covered through environmental projects


Mangroves planted


Trees planted


Whale sharks rescued (944 rescued till March 31, 2024)


No. of small and medium water harvesting structures constructed (1,148 constructed till March 31, 2024)

25.50 mcft

Total water harvested through Jal Dhan (742.5 mcft till March 31, 2024)

As part of our social development thrust, we continue to invest in the areas of healthcare, safe drinking water infrastructure, education & skill development.

Ensuring Health and Wellbeing

Our preventive and curative healthcare programmes continued to support the promotion of health and wellbeing in the communities of our outreach during the year.

  • Our two mobile clinics in the Okhamandal area provided primary health care services in 46 villages that have limited access to healthcare
  • We initiated “Project Vruddhi” to comprehensively address the problem of malnutrition that is widely prevalent in these 46 villages. The project is focussed on providing requisite assistance to pregnant women and children suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). So far 160 women and children have been positively impacted under Project Vruddhi
  • Our need-based infrastructure projects for community are helping provide access to clean drinking water through Swachh Tarang project and construction of Roof Rain Water Harvesting Systems
Impact Created during FY 2023-24


Patients provided healthcare services through mobile clinic


Women and adolescent girls treated for low haemoglobin levels


Households covered under Swachh Tarang project


Households covered under Roof Rain Water Harvesting Systems

Strengthening Education and Skill Development

Through our educational programmes, we made significant strides, towards improving the quality of education, reducing school dropouts and bridging the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) gap in children to achieve age appropriate learning levels. This included

  • Structured programme on strengthening foundational learning in Anganwadi and Primary schools of Okhamandal block
  • Enrolling children, who had dropped out of school before completing 10th Standard, in the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) exam and conduct special coaching classes for them
  • Our Learning And Migration Programme (LAMP) helped 30,210 children in enhancing their learning capability, besides strengthening the community school management system
  • We continue to engage with the youth in rural communities and conducted various skill development interventions with the aim to equip them with employable skills for securing jobs or starting their own enterprises
  • We continue to support skill development institutions like Tata Strive Centres at Mithapur and Aligarh, ITI at Dwarka and Leslie Sawhney Centre
Impact Created during FY 2023-24


Students supported (NIOS, Navodaya, Scholarships, FLN, LAMP)


Youth provided skill training

Helping Vulnerable Populations become Sustainable

Vulnerable populations remain a key target group for us. It is aimed at promoting empowerment, partnerships and equity. Our focus is on driving sustainable groups of such populations, which include Women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Persons with Disability (PwDs). We support Tata Affirmative Action programme to drive sustainable change among these vulnerable groups and FY 2023-24 witnessed a further scale-up of the same.

  • Linkage with various Government schemes like Ayushman Bharat Card, Jandhan Bank Account, Widow Pension, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana among others
  • We launched a pioneering para-sports training programme in collaboration with Mr. Bhima Khunti, who has personally overcome physical challenges to pursue his passion for sports. Our para-sports training programme aims to train differently-abled youth for national and international competitions
Impact Created during FY 2023-24


Women covered under empowerment programmes


People covered under various Affirmative Action Programmes

Volunteering, a Way of Life at Tata!

Volunteering is a way of life at Tata and is ingrained in the way of functioning in the organisation. Through our year-round volunteering programmes, we encourage and facilitate our employees and family members to engage with communities. In FY 2023-24, employees and their family members enthusiastically participated in various volunteering activities, such as:

  • Tree plantation under ‘My Greening Hour’
  • Preparing and supplying relief material to people affected by cyclone Biparjoy
  • Encouraging and training children, youth and women for participation in various sports activities
  • Blood donation drives
  • Beach and village cleanliness campaigns
  • Conducting mock drills at schools for earthquake preparedness
Impact Created during FY 2023-24


No. of Volunteering Hours


Per Capita Volunteering Hours