The annual materiality assessment exercise enables us to improve and deliver the ESG priorities identified.

Governance oversight: Safety, Health, Environment & Sustainability Committee

Materiality Determination Process

During FY 2023-24, we undertook a stakeholder-driven materiality assessment exercise. The objective of the assessment was to capture the perspectives of all stakeholders and adopt a holistic approach towards issues that are material to Tata Chemicals in terms of ESG.

STEP 1Identifying the relevant topics

  • A comprehensive list of material topics was collated, based on business requirements, sectoral insights, stakeholder concerns, global issues and peer analysis. This ensured that we covered topics of maximum importance and relevance to our stakeholders, as well as those that may influence our strategic intent and business activities
  • Important topics and future challenges for our sectors, as identified by peers and competitors and in the context of various laws, regulations and other factors

STEP 2Prioritising the material topics

  • The identified material topics were then prioritised through collective inputs from key internal and external stakeholders. Survey- based assessment method was used to capture stakeholder responses
  • Over 400 responses were gathered from across our employees, customers, community and partners in India, United Kingdom, Africa and United States of America. The responses were supplemented by secondary research and prioritised based on the influence and impact metrics

STEP 3Validating and reviewing

  • Post prioritisation, we validated the final list of material topics in relevance to our business resilience. This enabled us prioritise material topics based on the criticality of impact on our business
Critical Material Issues

Material matters
Focus areas
Mitigating actions

M1 Health & Safety

Ensuring safe work environment, emergency preparedness, digitised reporting

  • Taking strong actions on zero harm
  • Conducting safety assessments and audits
  • Digitalisation and data analytics

M2 Business Ethics

Maintaining the highest level of code of conduct and ethics, through robust training and policy frameworks

  • Abiding by the Tata Code of Conduct and having zero tolerance for any unethical practices

M3 Reducing Carbon Footprint

Minimising CO2 footprint through de-carbonisation levers of Switching to Low Carbon Fuels, Energy Efficiency, Carbon Capture & Utilisation and Renewable Energy; Adopting strategies to mitigate the long-term impact on climate change

  • Net Zero pathway planned
  • Capturing CO2 emissions to produce sodium bicarbonate
  • Enhancing green chemistry
  • Fossil-to-renewable fuel shift
  • Carbon-conscious growth strategy

M4 Corporate Governance

Focussing Corporate Governance practices on enhancing accountability, ethical behaviour and fairness to all stakeholders

  • Strengthening Governance philosophy through Tata Business Excellence Model, Tata Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading and Code of Corporate Disclosure Practices
  • Adoption of Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Policies, among other policies

M5 Zero Waste to Landfill

Adopting various measures in the manufacturing processes to reduce waste material, with the aim to ensure zero waste to landfill

  • Using bulker instead of plastic packaging in product logistics
  • Implementing co-processing of plastic waste in the cement kilns at our cement plant

M6 Water Neutrality

Reducing dependency on water, considering that it is a limited resource and is essential to the production of goods; recycling as much as possible and reusing water across operations

  • Driving zero groundwater usage
  • Optimising freshwater consumption
  • Emphasis on enhancing recycling of water towards being net water positive
  • Community watershed management and rainwater harvesting

M7 Employee Development

Important human capital development issues, including training of employees/ delivery partners, inter-department learning, job up-skilling

  • Conducting training programmes on health, safety and wellness
  • Rewards and recognition schemes


Energy Efficiency

At Tata Chemicals, we are focussed on process optimisation, cleaner fuel transition, along with conversion and retrofitting of equipment for improving our energy efficiency. Currently, feasibility studies are being carried out to drive energy savings through process efficiency and fuel shift for increasing the mix of renewable energy.


Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion is actively promoted at Tata Chemicals through diverse hiring, flexible working and equal pay. Regular people feedback enables us to take concerted initiatives to strengthen our people policies. We conduct regular surveys to gauge their concerns and assess their satisfaction levels.


Community Support

We are continuously working to maintain positive community relations in the areas of our operations. We are focussed on mitigating any adverse impact of our operations on their living conditions. We take initiatives to improve the socio-economic status of the communities and empower them. Our initiatives span the areas of livelihood generation, health and wellbeing, education and sustainable development.


Product Safety and Quality

Tata Chemicals conducts risk assessments to ensure that its products are safe to be handled by the customers and other end users. We collaborate with our stakeholders on reciprocal projects to promote product and operational safety. We have prioritised the delivery of customer satisfaction for all our products. Our products are designed, manufactured and supplied to meet all safety and regulatory requirements. We continuously strive to improve our systems to ensure product safety and quality, with stringent adherence to the highest standards.


Tax Transparency

We disclose all key tax issues under scrutiny and risks related to tax as required under the statute. All tax issues are examined by external auditors on a quarterly basis and also by internal auditors. As a practice, all tax cases are discussed with the Management, Audit Committee, Risk Committee and the Board on a regular basis.