Performance Review

We witnessed subdued performance compared to the previous year, primarily due to decreased volumes and adverse price movements driven by current market dynamics. Our emphasis is on customer engagement and cost management to ensure strengthening of balance sheet.


1Includes Lease Liabilities

2Capital Employed =Networth plus Borrowings

*Less than 0.00

CFO on Performance Review

While the performance in FY 2023-24 was subdued as compared to FY 2022-23, our cash generation in FY 2023-24 was better than FY 2022-23 due to better working capital management. Our balance sheet continues to be strong with our net worth nearly double of what we had 5 years back with a net debt – equity ratio at 0.20. We continue to focus on cash management and are committed to repaying our debt in the next 3-4 years.

Nandakumar S. Tirumalai

Chief Financial Officer

Non-Financial Measures: Six Levers of Operational Excellence

  • Customer Satisfaction Index - 88%
  • Net Promoter Score - 84%
  • Scope 1 & 2 GHG emission intensity - 0.75 TCO2e/T
  • Water Consumption Intensity - 3.42 KL/T
  • Energy consumption Intensity - 8.33 GJ/T
  • External Employee Engagement Score - 72%*
  • 50% Gender Diversity in Entry-level Campus Hiring
  • 100% of the Senior Management Personnel positions filled internally
  • Progressive Safety Index - 85.3%
  • LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate) - 0.44
  • Digital Maturity Index - 3.74/5
  • Global Capacity Utilisation, (Soda Ash) - 81%
  • Global Capacity (Soda Ash) - 4381 KT

#PBT and PAT includes exceptional loss of ₹ 861 crore

*Engagement survey done once in two years